
Knowledge has a beginning but no end

Geeta S. Iyengar

Current Research Participation Opportunities

Stories of families with Profoundly Gifted and Autistic (PG/ASD) children.

PG/ASD children represent a subpopulation of gifted outliers. Few studies have been conducted on this topic. We are very interested in family narratives. We hope that qualitative analysis of the narratives of our collective journeys may reveal patterns that can be further formulated into research questions to guide future research.

Nest!LE®: Learner-Educator Guiding Framework

Nest!LE® is an interdisciplinary Learner-Educator guiding framework utilizing the NEST!® theoretical perspective. The components guide learners and educators to visualize complex interactions that are context-driven in order to select component-level strategies and actions that are considerate of system-level impacts.

Teenage and Young Adult Twice-exceptional Families

Self-awareness, self-advocacy, and social-emotional tools and resources appropriate for families with twice-exceptional teens and/or young adults are currently lacking. We are developing a Virtual Interactive Awareness and Advocacy Tool based on our interdisciplinary search of literature within the twice-exceptional, gifted, special education, neuroscience, and psychology literature. Additionally, this tool uses a synthesis of Brain-Targeted Teaching@, a Strength-based educational approach, and a dynamic complex systems framework.

If you would like to:

  1. Share your PG/ASD parenting and educational journey,
  2. Participate in test driving the Virtual Interactive Awareness and Advocacy Tool
  3. Be a Nest!LE® participant

Please send us an email.

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